Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Recap for Day #2 - Tuesday

The last half of today was awesome!!!  The girls got to have some private coaching time with our UCA "Big Sis" (her name is Layne :)).  She is absolutely precious and has been such an encouragement to our girls.  I will get her picture with the girls tomorrow and post so you can see her.  After this coaching time, we went to dinner and prepared for our evaluation tonight.  Here we all are walking over to the REC center for evaluations.

The girls were pumped and ready to perform the cheer they learned the first day.  They were asked to incorporate a stunt, poms, signs, or tumbling into this cheer.  

The girls did a great job on this cheer; and they incorporated both poms and a stunt in the performance.

The girls received a "red" - "EXCELLENT" ribbon for their performance.  They did a great job, but still have some little things that we can work on to make it awesome!!!!  They were a little disappointed that they did not get a "blue" - "SUPERIOR" ribbon.  However, I am really glad that they now feel challenged to work just a little harder, and perform their absolute best!!!!  A great learning experience for all of us :)!!

After a loooooong day, the last event of the night was awarding spirit sticks.  Once again...we were awarded a spirit stick for the day.  Also...once again, Hollyn took home a spirit stick for being such an AWESOME mascot!!!  I am so proud of all the girls!!  I know that tomorrow will be another great day!!

Lastly...I have to share what my favorite part of the day was.  For me, it is the time, right before bed when I get to sit down with the girls and have devotion time.  I treasure this time with them and know that it is helping to make our squad so much stronger.

I hope you are all having a great week!!  I will try to steal some time away at lunch tomorrow to give you an update!!

Cheer Camp Dance Evaluations

Ok ya'll...I am going to try this one more time.  Hopefully, here is the girls' performance from last night :)!!
We will find out Thursday (when you are here) the results of this performance...GO EAGLES!!!!

Cheer Camp - Day #2

Today has been great so far!!  I'm not going to lie...it was and early morning, but all of the girls were up and ready to go, out the door at 7:30 am (impressive :))!!  They had cheer, jump, and stunting classes this morning and we just finished lunch.  The girls are resting and we will head back over the REC center around 1:30 pm.  

Here is a picture of the girls in stunt class.  Right after this we worked with each group and by the time we left all 3 stunt groups had their full extensions!!!  Quite an accomplishment for an 8th grade team.  They are all so great, and do not cease to amaze me everyday.  Look for more posts (might be late tonight :)).  

Monday, August 9, 2010

MS Cheer Dance

Forgive me for posting the JV dance...but didn't they do great?!!!  Here is try #2 at uploading our dance...ENJOY!!

And the RESULTS tonight are...

All three SBS squads were very impressive!!!  At the end of the night ALL 3 squads took home a Spirit Stick!!!  We are so proud of all of the girls!!!

The BEST part of tonight was the special Spirit Award given to Mascots!!!  Hollyn won the "Mushy" Spirit Award and we were SO PROUD of her.  She is amazing and brings so much to our squad and our spirit!!!


Hope you all have a good night and great day!!!  I will send new posts tomorrow!! (and try to get that video loaded :)).

Night #1 - Camp Dance Evaluations

The girls were SO excited to change into their uniforms after dinner, as we geared up for our Camp Dance Evaluation!!  They looked great!  I think Parker and Mary Kerr had gone to the bathroom when we took this :)!!

We won't know the results of this evaluation until Thursday...but the girls did an amazing job and they all feel like it was their best performance!!

(Sorry this video of the girls Camp Dance is not uploading!!  I will work on it tonight and try to get it up by morning...they did so great!!)

CHEER Roomies!!!!

We got to camp and the girls were SO excited to get their rooms and find out who they were rooming with!!!  The rooms are suites!!  Some have 2 rooms with double beds; and some have 2 rooms with bunk beds in each room.  I think the girls were all very happy with their rooms and roommates.  See the pictures posted below to find out who is with who :).
 Each row of pictures is one room :).  Your girls are precious and I just love them to pieces!!!  We are having a blast!!!

Cheer Camp - DAY #1

We got to camp and the girls were ready to go to our first day of Cheer Class.  We are staying at the Callaway House and it is only a short (hot) walk to the REC Center where all of our activities are this week.  We had a great afternoon and the girls have had SO much fun!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Camp Dance Show

The girls did such a great job yesterday at the Camp Dance Show.  We really missed Mary Kerr and Suzanne!!!  After the show we practiced and the girls really gave their all to perfect our performance.  I am so proud of them!!!!  It is going to be a great year!!

Practice Week!!!!

We had a GREAT week of practice and are ready for camp!!!  We will meet at 7:30am Monday morning 8/9 to load the buses for A&M.  I am so proud of the girls and can't wait to get to camp.  I know that it will be a great week!!  Bear with me as I learn how to use this blog :)!!  I will be posting pictures and a daily recap while we are away.  Hope you all have a restful weekend...see you Monday!!

"Coach" Young